Friday, May 22, 2009

Relaxing Jimmie Style

Yesterday Ma held Jimmie for a few hours while Rachael filled out paperwork for "First Steps".

The lady was very positive about Jimmie's ability at such a young age to suck, swallow and breath. Many children born as early as Jimmie go home on a feeding tube. We understand that we are very lucky and we are blessed! And she commented that his muscle tone is good. Jimmie's muscle tone was commented on from the very beginning. Remember how impressed the doctor was that he could bend his elbows after he was born? And the "Small But Mighty" post with the video of him lifting and turning his head?! Go Jimmie go!

The great news today is that the home health nurse came and Jimmie's assessment went GREAT! He weighs . . . drum roll . . . 5 lbs 10 oz!!!!! He's gained 4 oz since Monday! Wooohooo!

Here's our little cutie- relaxing Jimmie style.

I can't wait to see Jimmie again. The last time was the night he came home. Pray my kiddos stay healthy and we'll get to go hang with Jimmie Monday! I'll get lots of pictures!



  1. I happened upon your blog at my job (Medical Imaging). I was on maternity leave when Rachael came here. I too am involved with Alexandra's House.
    I had lost your web address after following Jimmy's progress. I just got back on and he moves me to tears. Jimmy has such a Great God and loving family. He looks so healthy in these pictures. I can't wait to go back through all the notes Amber has blogged since I haven't been able to see. After loosing my first son, and now having one in my arms, I have been moved by everything I've read. Thank you for demonstrating God's Great Mercy! Jill P

  2. What a CUTIE!!! He's gorgeous! Way to go on the weight gain! That's wonderful. He looks so sweet and snuggly. Give him some kisses from all of us.

    We love you all,
    Adrian, Janelle, and Kids

  3. He is SOOO cute!I hope to met you some time!
    We love you baby jimmie.

    Shannon O'Kelley

  4. Oh, how CUTE!!! He looks so healthy and peaceful on those pictures :)

    misha and family

  5. love the new pics! i better get, maddy's crying!! love you guys!

  6. He is simply adorable! Good job mommy! You are feeding him very well! And good job Jimmie!

  7. He's looking great!!!! Glad everyone is doing well..hope you're able to get some rest every now and then.
