Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dear Jimmie- Happy 18th Month Birthday

Dear Jimmie,

Happy 18th Month Birthday!

This you right after you were born.

And this is you today!

Look at how you have grown next to your Rottweiler Puppy!

Look at how you've grown in your Father's hands!

Here is your special "Watch Me Grow Montage"!

You have gained 7 ounces this month in weight. You are 16 pounds & 13 ounces. You had a virus and lost a little weight so you went backwards before you slowly went forwards again.

You have gained 7/8 of an inch in height. You are 30 and 5/8 inches long!

Your head circumference is 18 inches.

You have 119 followers on your blog that's 2 more than last month.

Your "Faithfulness" Video Montage has been viewed 12,016 times. That's 623 times this month!

Your "Jimmie's Wonderful World" Montage has been viewed 908 times. And your "High Places" Video Montage has been viewed 573 times!

Your blog has been viewed 3,977 times this month for a total of 104,752 hits! You have a lot of very cool people who love to check on your progress Jimmie.

So you got a cold at the beginning of the month and it hung on for a couple of weeks. Right as this cold was making it's exit you started cutting your top canine teeth. You don't have your top two front teeth yet so you may end up with fangs for a bit. (-: Needless to say this month hasn't been a great one for your appetite. However you did not lose much at all with your illness- only a couple of ounces, which is great for you.

AND this is HUGE, your mommy quit tube feeding you 3 weeks ago!!!!

That's right Jimmie, you have been taking in all of your nutrition all on your own for the first time since August 16th 2009. You were admitted to Children's August 17th and that's when you first got your NG tube. So a few weeks shy of a year and you have stopped needing the tube! We are so very grateful. Your mommy and daddy have decided to leave the button in your tummy through this next cold and flu season as a precaution with a scheduled removal approximately next spring. We are so proud of you and all of your hard work with eating and drinking that has brought you this far. You are our superstar! Your mommy is amazing too. In my opinion she has been very smart in the way she's used your tube. Smart and "unconventional" which is sometimes a lonely thing to be, but your mommy has convictions about your health care and is an awesome advocate for you. She always errors on the side of, "No, Jimmie CAN do this!" She believes in you Jimmie and you always rise to the occasion.

You are climbing everywhere. In fact I got this picture in a text on my phone from your mommy. She lost track of you briefly the other day and this is where she found you...

You are constantly moving Jimmie. The pictures your mom took this month for this post are a bit blurry because you will not hold still and every time she brings out the camera you go after it!

You are waving bye bye now. You say "ball" it sounds like "duh". You say "Kitty" it sounds like "hit". You love playing with your cars and sitting in your rocking chair. You reach your arms up and say "momma" when you want to be held. You love the book "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and are very interested and focused on the names of each of the animals. You also are showing good language comprehension. When you get hurt your mommy asks you, "Where does it hurt Jimmie?" and you point to your owie.

Your mommy and I finally finished with our Ballet this month. Rigoletto was a beautiful ballet and a joy to produce. We are enjoying a nice summer break now.

We also reconnected with some dear friends from our past this month. Reghan had her first baby at 23 weeks 5 days July 23rd. Gideon was 1 lb 4 oz and is having a rough go of it. He had a really bad last couple of days, but has been more stable today. Praise God! I know all your prayer warriors will continue to lift little Gideon up.

Jimmie I got to babysit you last week while your mommy got her hair done. You are so much fun! You are feisty and have a mind of your own. You are also incredibly sweet and precious. I love you so much and I'm super excited that we get to spend 3 days with you at Tablerock Lake next week!! Jimmie, as we have been interceding for Gideon as he fights his battle in the NICU I am hit by many feelings and memories. Some are hard, but all are precious to me. I will never ever take your life for granted. I am grateful for your health every day.

You are beautiful Jimmie! We are blessed by you!

I'll love you forever,
Auntie Amber


  1. Thank you, Amber. I am so thankful for Jimmie's blog. You have done such a wonderful thing for your sister. And yes, being in prayer for Gideon has brought lots of raw emotion to the surface for me, too. It is an honor to pray and fight for this little one. O come Holy One,strengthen him, nuture him, bless him, heal him. May he grow strong and mighty. Give the family wisdom and strength, too. Bless his mommy and daddy. Help them through this. May they know your comfort and feel your presence, too. Amen

  2. I had no idea Jimmie was even close to being completely weaned from his tube - let alone that he was DONE!!!!! Oh this is so fantastic!! Congrats to Jimmie (and Rachel)! :)


  3. Way to grow Jimmie!! We're so happy that you're doing so well!

    We love you and your mommy and daddy soooooo much!

    Justin and Rachael, you both are such awesome parents. You're doing so great! We're so happy Jimmie's doing all his eating and drinking on his own now. YAY!!!

    Lots and lots of love to you all,
    Adrian and Janelle

  4. What a beautiful boy he is! So big, cute and handsome!!! And that news about the feeding tube just brought huuuuge smile to my face, that is just incredible! Jimmie, you have THE BEST PARENTS EVER!!! Happy year and half!


