Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Small Improvements

The last few days have seen some small improvements with feeding, well at least related to feeding. Jimmie's OT (Occupational Therapist) gave Rachael a Nook Brush which is a little tool/brush they are supposed to put in Jimmie's mouth to desensitize him and help with his oral aversions. Rachael and Justin have been working on that with Jimmie every day for a few weeks now.

The past few days he's been allowing it in his mouth without a fit. Also he's starting to take the spoon or sippy or bottle out of Rachael's hands and put it in his own mouth!!! Rachael said last night he took the bottle in his own hands and put it into his mouth. And his tongue was in the right place underneath the nipple. He's not really sucking or drinking anything, but still . . . it's an improvement. (-:

As far as solids go-- he takes really good amounts when it's sweet potatoes, otherwise, everything else she's tried- not so much.

I'm gonna start calling him my little Sweet Potato. (-:

Rachael is waiting patiently on Dr. S. to get back with her about weaning help. We are hoping he calls with a lead soon.

Thank you so much for continuing to fight for Jimmie with your prayers. We are so blessed by you all.



  1. WAY to Go Jimmie -- keep it up little man. It so good to hear some good news regarding his aversion to drinking. Let's pray that it will continue and improve as well.

    My prayers are with you all, in this "fight" of Jimmie's.


  2. You may have to start calling him that because his skin is going to start turning that orange color. I used to watch kids and when that is all they wanted to eat carrots and sweet potatoes there skin started turning. Really have to work on other food color.

  3. This all sounds good. I hope he starts to suck on the nipple soon. I can almost feel it coming.
    Go Jimmie go! Hugs to Mom & Dad

    Special hello to Grandma Kathy & Grandpa Rod!!

    Kathy Barnes
